How To Prevent Heat Damage In LEGO Fortnite

This guide will show you how to prevent heat damage in LEGO Fortnite. Drinking snowberry shakes, charms, and trinkets can help you to avoid heat damage.

Use snowberries

  • Snowberries are great for cooling down in hot places. You can find them in snowy biomes. To use them, you need to go to the food section.
    Eating one reduces hunger a bit and gives you 2 minutes of heat resistance.
  • Collect as many snowberries as possible from bushes in snowy areas or by finding them in chests.
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Grow your snowberries

  • You can turn snowberries into snowberry seeds using a Grain Mill.
    This lets you grow your snowberries on a farm. Each snowberry can give you two seeds.
  • Plant these seeds in soil patches for a steady supply of snowberries.
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Use snowberry shakes

  • Snowberries can also be turned into snowberry shakes, a more effective option that lasts longer than eating the berries. Consider making these too.
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Charms and Trinkets

  • Charms and trinkets like the Cool-Headed Charm can be found later in the game.
    These items help resist heat effects in different qualities—common, rare, and epic versions may exist.
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Tip to use Snowberries

  • Don’t eat all your snowberries at once because their effects don’t stack.
    Consume one every two minutes for prolonged heat resistance.