Hammer is the most satisfying weapon ion MHRise. This guide will provide you with all the combos of Hammer that you can use in the game.
Hammer is still a Hit-And-Run Weapon in rise. It require decent understanding of Monster Movement.
It is also the most satisfying weapon to play in Rise. Let’s first take a look at hammer’s new mechanic. In MH Rise, You can switch between 2 charge modes. You Can do so by Pressing: Hold ZR-> A.
Blue Mode to Yellow Mode only and that charge switch will set the charge to max level.
And the Impact crater’s power depends on the charge level.
Charge Switch+silkbind can yield the most efficient DPs.
Silk Combo1: Hold-> A-> ZL+A. You will need to Hold ZR during the entire combo. This Combo can be used when monster is down/open.
It is probably the most satisfying combo to land in rise.
Again the combo is: Hold ZR-> A -> ZL+A.
Next, skilbind spinning Bludgeon is your anti air skill. And it works with the switch charge Technique too.
Now Let’s move on to Hammer’s combo. First Let’s Look at Combos that creates opening. Blue Mode: Hold ZR(Lv1 Charge)-> Release->X.
Blue Mode: Hold ZR(Lv2 charge)-> Release.
Blue mode: LS(Neutral)+Hold ZR(LV3 Charge)->Release.
Yellow mode: Hold ZR(Lv1 Charge)-> Release.
Yellow Mode: LS(Neutral)+HOld ZR(Lv2 charge)-> Release.
Yellow Mode: LS(Neutral)+HOld ZR(Lv3 charge)-> Release.
Yellow: Ls(Front)+Hold ZR(LV3 Charge)-> Release=>x. The Charge Switch technique works here as well.
Next, have a look at Combos that make use of the opening. Blue Mode: Hold ZR(Lv1 Charge)-> Release ->x->x->x->x.
Blue Mode: Hold Zr(Lv1 charge)-> Release ->A->A->A->A