Collectibles Guide – Mission 2: Occupied Residence – Sniper Elite 5

This guide will take you through all the 19 collectibles that you can find in the mission called Occupied Residence. It will include workbenches, hidden items, classified documents, and more. 

  1. Classified Document 1

To find the first classified document, you need to go up the river near the very beginning and kill a couple of enemies near a bunker. You will find the classified document near the first set of buildings. 

  1. Classified Document 2

Now you have to head across the river to the right-hand side of the map and you’ll reach 

a small compound. You need to go inside and you will find the classified document on the desk.  

  1. Pistol Workbench

You will find a locked door just next to the desk,  you have to blow it up with a satchel or open it with an armory key. Then head inside and get the workbench. 

  1. Classified Document 3

You will find another classified document just next to the Pistol Workbench. 

  1. Stone Eagle 1 

Now you have to jump out the window looking a little bit forward and there will be a  large castle to your left. There’s also a smaller building to the right and you will find a stone eagle on its very peak. You need to shoot at it. 

  1. Hidden Item 1

After that, make your way toward the area where you just shot the stone eagle, there will be a garden and a detached building. You have to enter this building on the

right-hand side and climb up the stairs. After that, enter the sniper’s perch and you will find the body of a rifleman. Search their body and you will find the soldier’s statuette. 

  1. Personal Letter 1

You will also find the personal letter just next to the rifleman’s body.  

  1. Personal Letter 2

There are a ton of collectibles in the courtyard. You have to take the enemies out and then go for a personal letter. You have to go up the vine wall to enter the office and you will find a personal letter on the table. 

  1. Hidden Item 2

After that, exit into the main hallway, then take a right-hand turn and continue down the hall.  Enter into a side bedroom on your second door on the left, then go through the end and you’ll find a painting. You need to interact with this painting and open up the safe behind it to get the hidden item. 

  1.  Personal Letter 3

You will find a personal letter at the foot of the bed just next to the safe. You need to grab it. 

  1.  Personal Letter 4

Now you need to make your way to the third floor and enter the first door on your right. This will be a small room and you will find the fourth personal letter on the desk. 

  1.  Hidden Item 3

You will find a chest just near the desk, you have to pick lock it, and grab the final hidden item of the mission. 

  1.  Classified Document 4

Now you will need to head inside the muller’s office and you will find a classified document on the front desk. 

  1.  Classified Document 5

After that, you have to interact with three items in the office to open up the secret pocket door. Inside the secret part of the office, you will find classified document number five. 

  1.  Classified Document 6

You can also find another classified document on the top of the desk.  

  1.  Rifle Workbench

You need to go to the compound where you destroyed Mauler’s car.  Run straight and go underneath the base using a staircase. There will be an underground castle and you will get the workbench.  

  1.  SMG Workbench

Next, you have to exit the compound and head towards the upper left corner of the map. There will be a small little building, you have to go around the back and you will find a small vine. You need to climb to get into the attic and grab your SMG workbench. 

  1.  Stone Eagle 2 

You have to stand in the middle of the bridge near the left left-hand side of the map and you will find a stone eagle directly in front of you on the opposite side of the bridge. It is on top of a chimney in a small house. You need to smash it. 

  1.  Stone Eagle 3 

Now you have to look to your left-hand side and follow along the river. You will find your final Stone Eagle on one side of the river. Just bring your sniper out and shoot at it.