Dad’s Monster House FULL Walkthrough (All Achievements)

This is a walkthrough with a black-and-white color game rather than a game with vibrant colors. The main character (Carlo) gets an emergency call from his father to save him. He is pleading with him to go back to their childhood home and Carlo has to feel the fluctuations of the storytelling, plethora of riddles, and sensitive sound designs. Furthermore, he has to get clues from different places, and locations to assemble them togather and finally reaching his father to save him.

  • First, go to the solo tower, where a voice comes from the top window.
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  • Receive a call from your dad and head to the monster house.
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  • After that, grab the diary from the floor next to you and put it into the bag.
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  • Open the diary, and slide different pages to get a few clues.
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  • Go to the fire pit to the left, set it on fire, and find all scientists.
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  • Grab the DNA capsule behind the TV and give it to the spide from the book.
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  • Go to the toilet, and grab a bucket of water under the mirror into your inventory.
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  • Go to the washroom, see this character from the bathtub, and increase the temperature in this sequence.
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  • After that, grab this iron piece from the floor.
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  • Go upstairs, and set this regulator in this sequence to unlock the door.
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  • Go inside the bedroom. Once the door is opened, grab this handle from the table and a DNA capsule beside the bed.
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  • Give this DNA capsule to the spider from the book to turn the page.
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  • Go to the playing room, grab another capsule from the side table, and present it to the spider from the book.
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  • Come to the TV and reveal this scientist’s name from the wall.
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  • Now play this game on the family computer from the side table.
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  • After that, grab these popcorns from the character into your bag.
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  • Return to the living room, open the left side table’s drawer, and grab this stick.
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  • Now go to this room along the stairs, knock this magazine from the table, and get a microscope clue from the floor.
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  • Come to the table, and get this d alphabet letter into your bag.
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  • Now go to the ground floor, grab this DNA capsule from the side table, and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Grab this water bucket from your inventory and water this flower.
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  • Go to the kitchen, grab this DNA capsule from the side table, and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Grab the handle from the inventory, put it on the pump to drain the water from the sink, and grab this iron piece and excavator from the corner.
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  • Go outside from the kitchen, and put this sequence to unlock the door.
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  • Now go to this place near the stairs and set this sequence to unlock the secret door.
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  • Put the switch on to turn on the bulb from the tree.
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  • Go to the left side, open this laptop, and put the D character from your inventory on the keyboard.
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  • Then make this pattern on the keyboard screen to unlock the door.
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  • Go inside the door and reveal this scholar from the left side. Afterward, grab this DNA capsule from the wall and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Use the ladder to go upstairs and reveal this scientist from the side wall.
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  • Go up using the stairs and grab this DNA capsule from the wall and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Now reveal another scientist from the wall.
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  • Use the ladder to go down to the same corridor and then move left to go outside.
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  • Put the missing part from your inventory in this machine and unlock the elevator.
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  • Grab this hat from the wall once reach out of the elevator.
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  • Follow the arrow and go inside the other room. Use the key on this toy.
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  • After that, grab this equipment from the right hand of the toy.
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  • Now reveal this scientist from the left side of the wall.
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  • Put this code on the binary converter to open the box.
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  • Once the box is opened, then grab this shrink pill from inside.
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  • Again open the binary converter and get this battery from the left side.
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  • Use the excavator to the upper portion, head to the playing room, use a fork from your bag to burst this balloon, and grab a note from inside.
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  • Use this note to get a treasure map clue.
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  • Go outside in the hallway, and unlock this secret box to grab the eye.
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  • Use the stairs from the backside, put this eye from your bag to this head, and grab a key from inside.
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  • Go to the TV room, get this remote from the side table, and put the battery into it.
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  • Then write 9618 using the remote on the TV screen and get back the battery from the remote.
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  • Ensure to make this pattern on the bookshelf to unlock the secret room.
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  • Once inside, grab the DNA capsule from the table and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Now reveal the scientist’s name from the wall, use the key from your inventory to unlock this secret box, put the pattern, and unlock the door.
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  • Go inside using the stairs, reveal the scientist from the right side wall, give the medicine to this bee, and let her let it vomit.
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  • Grab the handle from the vomit, put it on the switch near the stairs, slide it to the downside to disappear the light beams, and grab the bottle from the corner.
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  • Go upstairs, knock on this flower pot to get a bee, grab the spray from your inventory, and get into your bag.
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  • Now go to the right side and dip the hat from your inventory into this bucket.
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  • Go outside the house, reveal the scientist’s name from the wall, get the hat from your inventory, put it on one of the sister’s heads, and grab this broken tooth from the sofa.
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  • Now go outside near the swimming pool, and put this binary code to drain the excess water from the pool.
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  • Go inside the pool and get this fish into your inventory.
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  • Now go to the kitchen, set the burner on fire, and put the fish from your bag into the cooking pot.
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  • Then turn off the stove and grab the fish skeleton into your inventory.
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  • Go to the radio room, adjust the frequency of the radio in this way to get a code from the wall, and open the left door.
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  • Once inside, grab the DNA capsule from the right side table and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Go to the lamp near the bed and knock to get a note.
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  • Go to the next room, and grab this oil gun into your inventory.
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  • Put the insect from your bag into this board and play the game sequentially to get a ladder from the wall.
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  • Use this ladder to go up and reveal the scientist’s name from the front side facing the wall.
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  • Go to the lower portion again, open the notebook from the side table, and get a few clues.
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  • Go up and use this pattern to unlock the spider.
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  • Now grab the DNA capsule from the wall and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Present this popcorn from the bag to this bird and grab the flower from the window.
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  • Go to the bedroom and grab a note from an insect’s mouth at the table.
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  • Now go outside, use a shovel to dig the ground, type 2017 on the lock, and grab a CD from inside into your inventory.
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  • Apply the machine oil to this robot and grab this coin from the hand of the robot.
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  • Go to this place in the backyard and give Milo a flower from your inventory.
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  • Then get another flower from her into your bag, get this DNA capsule from the downside of the stairs, and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Put the CD from your bag at this place on the table and grab the front speaker of the player.
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  • Put the coin from your inventory into this radio and grab the lens from inside.
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  • Now attach the lens in front of the binoculars.
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  • Go to the lower portion and make this pattern on the can.
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  • Then grab this animal from inside the can.
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  • Go to the swimming pool and place the speaker before the pipe.
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  • Go to the upper portion, put this battery into the binary converter, and make this code on it.
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  • Return to the swimming pool again, put this code on the binary, and open the pool floor.
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  • Go through the downward portion of the swimming pool, grab the DNA capsule, and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Now go to the radio room, and put these codings on the board.
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  • Then grab the button from the box into your bag.
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  • Put this button at this place to unlock the door next to it.
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  • Heal the monster tentacle by taking it from the inventory.
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  • Go downwards using the stairs, reveal the scientist, and use this code to open the door.
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  • Go inside, grab the DNA capsule from the floor, and give it to the spider from the book.
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  • Use this code combination on the revolution board to unlock the monster from the tube.
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  • Now go to the laboratory, and put these nail, snail, and fish skeletons into the boiling tube.
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  • After that, grab the antidote from the test tube.
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  • Again go to the monster room, use the same code combination, unlock the monster, and give this antidote to him.
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  • After that, hug your dad after giving him the antidote.
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  • Grab this album from the side table.
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  • Now discover the digit on Beckie’s necklace.
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  • Adjust the photo pieces in this way to make a full picture.
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  • Grab another piece of photo from the floor.
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  • Grab another two pieces of photos from the wall and below the table.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the upper portion using this ladder, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the balcony, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the radio room, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the hallway, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the study room, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the robot room, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the bedroom, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the gaming room, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the hallway, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the television room, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the bathroom, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the washroom, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the hallway, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the kitchen, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the outside lawn, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the poolside, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the radio room, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the corridor, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Afterwards, go to the balcony, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the playing area, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Now go to the room with twin ladies, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the downside of the pool, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the corridor near the monster room, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Afterward, go to the monster room, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the corridor, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • Adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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  • Go to the laboratory, and grab these broken photo pieces from the wall and floor.
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  • In the end, adjust the broken pieces into the completer photo in this way.
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