How to Build a Functional Monorail in LEGO Fortnite

In this guide, you will learn how to build a functional Monorail in LEGO Fortnite using the easiest method.

  • First, pick a long and narrow floor piece that measures 12 units by 2 units.
    It’s better to choose a stronger type of wood to make it tougher in case something breaks.
  • Start by creating a straight line from one area to another in the game.
  • It is recommended to use the snap mode feature to help you align things more easily.
    This will save you from having to adjust everything manually.
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  • After completing your bridge, place two dynamic foundations next to it. Make sure they are not touching each other and align them with the middle of the bridge.
  • You have to use one to move forward and the other to move backward. To do this, you’ll need a wooden foundation.
    You can make it look fancy, but the key is to have a block where you can attach three large thrusters.
  • For looks, you can add a fence. Additionally, remember to place an activation switch on each of these platforms.
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  • Before testing this, go to the underside of your structure and put a few small wheels beneath the dynamic platform.
    This will help the platform stay on the bridge and prevent it from falling off.
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  • It’s best to stick with using three large thrusters because if you add more, you’ll need to ensure your dynamic platform is well-balanced.
  • Otherwise, too much force from the backside might cause the platform to fall off again.
  • You can create as many of these as you like, and it’s a good idea to start building them from your main village.
    This way, you can easily travel to places you frequently visit.
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