How to Change Gamertag On Xbox Series S/X

This guide will provide you with the most convenient method to change Gamertag on the Xbox series X or series S.

  • First, press the Xbox button to load a menu and navigate to the Profile and System tab from the quick access toolbar.
  • Hit the A button on your profile account.
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  • Upon reaching the window, click the My Profile tab to open it.
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  • Once the window is opened, click the customize profile option.
  • You have to click your gamer tag from the menu.
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Upon reaching the new window, you can change your gamer tag.

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  • Next, click the Customize Classic gamertag option from the menu.
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Upon reaching the new window, you will get different classic gamer tags that can be used while playing the game.

  • After that, click the Ok button.
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  • Once everything is adjusted, click the Change Gamertag button from the menu.
  • Again select the Change Gamertag button when the popup appears.
    Now your Gamertag will be changed successfully.
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