How to Find Onions – The Sims 4

In this brief guide, you will learn how to locate onions and harvest them in The Sims 4, allowing your Sims to enjoy this flavorful ingredient.

Step 1: To begin your onion-hunting journey, press the “M” key on your keyboard to open the map. Look for the “World Select” icon and click on it. From the available options, choose the Oasis Springs Residential world. This is where you will embark on your quest for onions.

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Step 2: In the chosen world, locate and visit the ‘Zest’ house. Confirm your visit by clicking on the car icon, usually located in the bottom-right corner of the screen. This will transport your Sim to the desired location.

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Step 3: Upon arriving at the ‘Zest’ house, zoom out for a better view of the surroundings. Take a moment to explore and locate the path that leads to the onion spawn location.

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Step 4: Make your way to the onion plant location you identified in the previous step. If the onions are not yet ready to be harvested, you will need to be patient. Stay in the area for one or two in-game days, allowing the onion plant to grow and reach harvestable maturity. Before coming here, ensure that your Sim’s needs are satisfied, indicated by green bars, to avoid any discomfort during the waiting period.

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Step 5: If you prefer not to use cheats, you can make yourself comfortable by sleeping on the nearby bench. Ensure your Sim has some food from home to satisfy hunger while waiting for the onion plant to grow.

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Step 6: Alternatively, if you wish to speed up the process or avoid dealing with your Sim’s needs, you can use cheat codes. Activate the appropriate cheat code that prevents your Sim’s needs from decreasing while waiting for the onion plant to grow.

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Step 7: Once the onion plant has fully matured and displays the onions, it’s time to harvest them. Click on the ripe onions and select the “Harvest Onions” option. The harvested onions will automatically be added to your Sim’s inventory, ready to be used in cooking, gardening, or other activities.

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