How to Fix FIFA 23 Security Violation Error Windows 11

This guide will tell you how to fix FIFA 23 Security Violation error on Windows 11.

You have to close this error message and make sure that secure boot is enabled. To check this, you need to click on the Windows button, and type “system information”. Open system information, and you will find see the option secure boot state which is turned OFF by default.

Now you have to change this to on. For this, you need to restart your system, and then go to your bios settings to turn on the secure boot state. To enter the bios, it completely depends on what computer you have because different motherboards have different keys to enter the bios. If you don’t know your boot key, then you have to Google it to find your boot key. Once you are in bios, then you have to be very careful about this because if you take any step wrong, this might end up in your system.

So first, you have to go to settings in the bios, then go to Advanced and navigate to Windows OS configuration. After that, go to secure boot, select secure boot, and then enable it. After doing this, you have to save this and then you have to restart your PC.

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