In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to get Epic Crafting Bench Maximum Upgrade LEGO Fortnite. From constructing a Lumber Mill to navigating various biomes, gathering materials, and mastering crafting techniques, this guide will lead you through the thrilling process of getting the Epic Crafting Bench Maximum Upgrade.
1. Build a Lumber Mill
Firstly, open your utility menu and select Lumber Mill from the station. Place the mill at a specific location.
2. Use a Lumber Mill to make Plank
Now put 1 wood from your inventory into the lumber mill. This will process the wood and make a plank. Once the plank is made, click the Take button to own it.
3. Collect Shells from Rollers which spawn in Grass Biome
You have to grab shells from the rollers surrounding the area. They spawn in the grass biome, so attack to kill them immediately. Upon killing the foes, grab the shells dropped near them.
4. Upgrade Crafting Bench
Now you need to upgrade the bench, go to the bench upgrade tab and click the upgrade button from the bottom. It will show the ingredients required for the upgrade process.
Then utilize the pickaxe by obtaining it from your inventory to craft the bench.
5. Craft Uncommon Axe
Use the Forest Axe from the crafting recipes tab and click the Craft button from the bottom. Repeat this procedure for another time to grab more forest axes.
6. Use Uncommon Axe to collect Knotroot inside of the cave
Open the in-game map and go to the following location in the grassland.
Upon reaching the location, head towards the cave and enter inside by equipping the firelight to illuminate the area.
Now place the firelight on the ground below near the wall. Use the uncommon axe and hit the knot root using it. Once the knot roots are broken grab them from the floor.
7. Use a Lumber Mill to make Knotroot Rod
Go back to the lumber mill location and select the knot root rod from the recipe. After that, click the Change Recipe button at the bottom and hit the Quick Deposit button at the same spot.
8. Use a Crafting Bench to make an Uncommon Pickaxe
Navigate to the crafting recipes tab and select the Pickaxe option. Then click the craft button and wait for the recipe to be crafted.
9. Use an Uncommon Pickaxe to collect Marble
Now head back to the grassland location from the in-game map by clicking the tab.
Once you reach the required location, navigate towards the adjacent cave while holding a firelight to illuminate the surroundings. Upon reaching the cave’s entrance, enter inside it.
Head towards the right side and hit the marble using your uncommon axe. Strike it multiple times to break it into pieces and ultimately grab the marble.
10. Build a Stone Breaker
Go back to the lumber miller location. Then select the stone breaker required for crafting from the utility.
Place the stone breaker in some suitable location and preferred playstyle.
11. Use Stone Breaker to craft a Marble Slab
Approach near the stone breaker while equipping the firelight. Now click the stone breaker and select the Marble Slab option. After that, click on the Assign Recipe button.
Once the processing is complete, click the Take button next to grab the Marble Slab.
12. Collect Sand Shells from the Sand Roller in the Sand Biome
Navigate back to the map and head to the following location from the Dry Valley.
Upon reaching the location, use your combating abilities to kill the sand roller from the sand biome. After destroying the foe, grab the sand shell from the ground.
You can check the sand shell from your inventory after equipping it with the sand roller.
13. Collect Sand Claw from Sand Wolf in Sand Biome
Go to the in-game map and head towards the Dry Valley’s location.
Once you reach the location, beat the enemy using your fighting skills.
After killing the foe, grab the sand claw dropped on the ground from it.
14. Upgrade Crafting Bench to Rare
Navigate to the bench upgrade tab and select the crafting bench. Then click the Upgrade button from the bottom.
Use your strategic abilities to craft the bench to rare using the crafting bench.
15. Use an Uncommon Pickaxe to get Rough Amber in the Sand Biome
Open up the in-game map and head towards the Dry Valley’s location.
Upon reaching the location, jump higher into the sky to reach a mountain. After that, use an uncommon pickaxe to break the sand biome.
Once the stone is broken, grab the rough amber from this place.
16. Build Gem Cutter
Go to the utility and grab a gem cutter from the stations.
Now place the gem cutter in a suitable location.
Then head towards the gem cutter and select the cut amber recipe by clicking the Assign Recipe button to craft.
17. Use a Gem Cutter to make Cut Amber
Select the cut amber and click the Assign Recipe button to process the crafting. Then click the Quick Deposit button to initiate the gem cutter.
18. Use a Crafting Bench to make Rare Axe
Head towards the crafting bench and select the Forest Axe by clicking the Craft button.
Once the crafting process is completed, navigate to your inventory and grab the Forest Axe.
19. Use Rare Axe to collect Flexwood in Sand Biome
Navigate to the in-game map and head toward the Dry Valley’s location.
Upon reaching the location, head towards your inventory and grab the forest axe.
After that, use this rare axe and strike the wood in the sand biome.
Once the wood is broken, get the flexwood in the sand biome.
20. Use a Lumber Mill to make Flexwood Rod
Go to the lumber mill and select the Flexwood Rod. Then click the Change Recipe button from the bottom until the processing is completed.
Upon the successful accomplishment, click the Take button to grab the flexwood rod.
Now head towards the inventory and select the flexwood rod to grab it.
21. Use a Crafting Bench to make a Rare Tier 3 Pickaxe
Head towards the crafting mill and select the Pickaxe from the recipes section. Now click the Craft button from the bottom. Again hit the craft button to complete the process using the ingredients.
Then navigate back to your inventory and click the pickaxe to grab it.
22. Collect Copper in Sand Biome Caves
Go to the in-game map and head towards the Dry Valley’s location provided.
Once you reach the location, navigate towards the cave and enter inside while holding the firelight.
Get the rare pickaxe and strike the left side stones multiple times using it.
When the stones are broken, grab the copper dropped from them.
23. Collect Obsidian in Sand Biome Caves
Open the in-game map and head towards the Dry Valley’s location.
Upon reaching the location, go towards the cave and enter inside with the firelight.
After that, get down to the basement using the bridge to reach the stone wall in the sand biome caves.
Grab the rare pickaxe and strike the stones numerous times using it.
While the obsidian is dropped from the broken stones, grab it from the floor. Then go into your inventory and check the obsidian there.
24. Collect Blast Cores from Blasters and Chests in Sand Biome Caves
Open the in-game map and head towards the Dry Valley’s location.
Upon reaching the location, go towards the cave and enter inside with the firelight.
Now, get down to the basement in the sand biome cave using the slope to reach the entity. Beat this opponent multiple times to kill it. Then grab the Blast Cores dropped from Blasters and Chests from the Sand Biome Caves
25. Collect Brightcore in Sand Biome Caves
Open the in-game map and head towards the Dry Valley’s location.
Upon reaching the location, go towards the sand biome cave and enter inside with the firelight.
After that, get down to the basement using the lower wall to reach the left-side stone wall in the sand biome caves.
Use the rare pickaxe to strike the stone numerous times and break it. Once the stones are broken, collect the Brightcore dropped from these stones in Sand Biome Caves.
26. Use Stone Breaker to make Obsidian Slab
Now go back to the stone breaker and click the Obsidian Slab in the recipe section. Then hit the Change deposit button at the bottom.
Contiiopnously hit the Change deposit numerous times to accomplish the processing of the crafting. Upon successful completion, you will get the obsidian slab.
27. Build Metal Smelter
Go to the utility section and select the Metal Smelter from this place.
Now place the metal smelter into your village place based on your playstyle.
Then interact with the metal smelter and select the copper bar to assign the recipe. After that, click the Assign Recipe button at the bottom.
28. Use Metal Smelter to make Copper Bar
After that, interact with the metal smelter and select the copper bar. Then click the Quick Deposit button to start the crafting process. Continuously press the Quick Deposit button to accomplish the copper bar crafting.
Once the ingredient is ready, click the Take button to grab it.
29. Upgrade the Crafting Bench to Epic
Now interact with the crafting bench and head towards the bench upgrade section. After that, click the upgrade button at the bottom.
Then work on the crafting bench to get an epic pickaxe from it.
30. Use a Crafting Bench to make an Epic Forest Axe
Head back to the crafting bench and select the forest axe from the section. Now click the Craft button from the bottom.
After that, go to your inventory and access the forest axe from there.