This guide will tell you how to Kick People from Open or Closed Party Chat on PS5.
1- You have to go to the home page of your PlayStation and then open the game base from the quick menu at the bottom of your screen. After that, go to the parties tab on the left side of your screen and then click on Start Party.
2- Starting the party will give you two options for the party types. The first one is Open Party and the second one is Closed Party. You have to go to Open Party.
3- In the Open Party, anyone can join in. So to set some boundaries, you have to click on “Require a Request to Join” and turn it ON. It will stop people from joining directly, they will send a request and then if you allow them, then they will be able to join the party.
4- After starting the open party, a menu will appear on the left side of your screen showing you who has joined your party. In case you want to remove someone from the party, you have to select their name and then press X on it. Now a small window will pop up and you have to click on Kick Out. After this, that person will not be at your party.
5- Then you have to go back and create a Close Party. After starting the party, it will show you the options to join the voice chat, you have to connect to the voice chat. To kick some out from the closed party, you have to click on the three little dots. From that drop-down menu, you have to click on View Group.
6- After clicking on the View Group, the message group will appear in front of you. Then you have to click on the three dots again and a menu will pop up, you need to click on View Group once again.
7- Do remember you can only kick someone out if you are the owner of the party. Now on to the big message window, you have to select someone’s name on the right side of the screen, and then press the options button. Now the kick-out option will open up, you have to click on it to kick that person out of the message-closed group.
8- Now you have to double-press the PlayStation button to go back to your party. In the list, you will see that the person you removed will no longer be in the list which is under the leave party button.