How to Steal the Prime Minister’s Car – GTA 5

In this guide, you will get to know how to steal the Prime Minister’s Car in GTA V. You have to follow the guide, and you will be able to know about the set you need to prepare to steal the car. 

To steal the Prime Minister’s Car in GTA V, all you need to do is set up the story. You have to come to the Observatory building. The most important part of setting up the story set is the location. You create a set to steal the Prime Minister’s car. You will spawn the car and give it the protection of police cars. 

Firstly, you need to save the Prime Minister’s car to spawn there. Then to spawn the car on the location, you will need to go to the Vehicle Options. Further, come to the Vehicle Spawner and then Saved Vehicles

You can make modifications to the car, as you can see in the image below. 

After the modification, you will need to save the car, and it is recommended to save progress. If you do something wrong, then it will help you out and save your time. To save the car, you need to go to Vehicle Options. Further, come to the Vehicle Spawner and then Saved Vehicles. There you will need to click on the Save Current Vehicle.

Once you have spawned the Prime Minister’s car, you will have to spawn the police cars. For this, you need to go to the Spawn Vehicle option and then navigate to  Emergency. You can spawn any police car. 

The prime minister’s car will disappear while spawning the police cars, so you need to save it in the database. If you spawn the objects from the Object Spooner, it automatically gets saved in the database.

You can prepare the set for the story with the layout, which you can see in the image below.

After you have spawned the police cars, you will spawn the cops. If you want, you can also spawn the reporters and cameramen. You have to be careful in spawning the cops.  Firstly, you need to test the cops to check if you should spawn in on the set. For this, you need to spawn the cop away from the set. After spawning the cop, you need to right-click on him to open his menu.

Now you need to assign him a task. To do this, go to the Task Sequence option. Further click on the Add New option. There you need to select the Active Weapon. Then turn on the status. Now you can give him a gun. 

Afterwards, go to the Active Weapon and hand him the weapon and select the Carbine Rifle Mk2. You can select any weapon. 

Now come to the Add New option and select the Fight Enemies (If Eligible & Provoked). Then decrease the Duration time and change it to 1 second. You will increase the radius, and if someone attacks him, he will start shooting him within the selected radius. You will use the sniper, so for this purpose, you have to increase the radius.

You need to turn off the Never Wanted option. To turn it off, you need to come to the Player Options. There, you have to find the Never Wanted and then turn it off.

Now, as soon as you aim at him, he will start shooting you. He doesn’t stop shooting you until you decrease down the Wanted Level to zero. Then again, turn off the Never Wanted option.

After you have done these steps, you can make copies of this copy. You can even spawn different cops, according to you. To make the copies, you need to right-click on the cop and come to the Manual Placement. There you will have the option to make copies. After making the copies, you need to set their positions. You can get them the snipers. For this, you have to change the weapon in the Active Weapon option.  

You can make copies of cops and then assign them different tasks. You can give the task of patrolling. To do this, come to the Task Sequence. Then go to the Add New. There you can select the Patrol In Range option. By selecting this option, they will start patrolling around the area. 

After you have assigned them the task, you can make copies of them and set their positions. Now you are all done preparing your set. 

You can steal the car in your way. You can come close to them and then kill them, or you can snipe. To snipe them, you can go to the top of the hill and aim at them. Afterwards, you have to kill all of them. Doing this, you will get three stars, and the police will start chasing you. Now all you need to do is steal the car and run away.

In this way, you can steal the Prime Minister’s Car in GTA V.

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