Mario Bros Wonder YUZU Fix on Steam Deck

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of running Super Mario Bros Wonder on your Steam Deck using the Yuzu emulator. To ensure a smooth gaming experience, we will be making use of a specific patch and optimizing certain settings.

Step 1: Ensure Yuzu Emulator Early Access

Before getting started, you need to ensure that your Yuzu emulator is upgraded to Early Access.

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Step 2: Download the Patch

Next, you must download the patch required to run Super Mario Brothers Wonder. Once the download is complete, proceed to the next step.3

Step 3: Apply the Patch to the Yuzu Emulator

Now, it’s time to apply the downloaded patch to your Yuzu emulator:

  • Launch your Yuzu emulator Early Access.
  • Right-click on the game you want to apply the patch to and select “Open Mod Data Location”.
  • Unzip the downloaded patch and place it in the mod location.

If prompted to overwrite any existing files, choose to overwrite them to ensure the patch is applied correctly.

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Step 4: Enable the Patch

Now ensure the patch is enabled for the game.

  • Right-click on the game again and select “Properties”.
  • Make sure the patch is checked or ticked in the properties menu.
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Step 5: Optimize Graphics Settings

Optimizing the graphics settings is essential for a better gaming experience:

  • Right-click on the game and select ‘Properties’.
  • In the properties menu, set the accuracy level for Advanced Graphics to ‘Extreme’.

Ensure the other settings remain at their default values for a smooth experience.

Step 6: Configure Emulation Settings

Now come to make changes to the emulation settings in Yuzu Early Access:

  • Click on ‘Emulation’ then choose the ‘Configure’ option in the Yuzu emulator.
  • Under the ‘General’ section, locate the ‘Hot Keys’ tab.
  • Set your toggle frame rate limit to a preferred button combination (default is “Minus+ZR”). This will be used to toggle the frame rate limit in-game.

Step 7: Start the Game

Now, you’re ready to play Super Mario Brothers Wonder on your Steam Deck:

  • Run the game within the Yuzu emulator.
  • After loading into the game, press the toggle frame rate limit hotkeys you set earlier. This will disable the frame rate limit, allowing the game to run smoother.

By following the above steps you can configure your Yuzu emulator and apply the necessary patch to play Super Mario Brothers Wonder on your Steam Deck.