In this brief guide, you will get to know how to stay on low tax and get more profit in Rox.
By using this way you can always stay at the lowest tax every week. With this trick, you can save more crystals and it helps to upgrade the equipment a lot.
You can reach total sales of 1,158660 crystals including the profit.
If you are f2pm, then don’t buy VIP cards and the tax increases into 25% now for every sale you claim. The trick is that when you reach total sales 500k or 1 m , when you feel the tax is too high for you. You have to claim it next week, because when the total sales reset then you can claim it. It will cost you 10 percent tax only.
You can craft enriched bradium everyday. The price of 1ea EB is 12.800. Buy fish for 7.416 and the 10 percent tax will be 1.280.
The total profit is 12.800-1.280 – 7.416 = 4.104. This is the profit example you can get from this trick.
When 500k sales reach, the price of 1ea EB will be 12.800. Buy fish for 7.416 and 20 % will be 2.560.
The total profit is 12.800 – 2.560 – 7.416 = 2.824 now. Compared to 20% tax when you reach 500k sales, It takes almost half of the profit when it’s only 10%. Because it avoids the tax you just claimed. When your item is sold, it will show 99 hours left to claim. It means you have 4 days and 3 hours to keep the crystal there.
Let’s say, if you already reach 500k on wednesday, its means for the next sold will get 20 percent tax.
And if you don’t really need a crystal, you have to wait for monday and you will lose about 50 percent. You can improve your equipment a lot with this trick and try to reach the T2 before the SEA launch.