Stoke a Campfire – Fortnite Challenge Guide

This guide will let you know how to find and Stoke a Campfire in Fortnite to complete the Operation Snowdown event.

At first, you have to head to the spot, as shown on the map below, to find the Campfire.  

You have to do a team rumble because you need few materials, and the team rumble mode gives those materials at the start. 

You will need to land in almost the center of the map, and when you get there, you will find a campfire under a crystal. Light up the Campfire, and then it will give you an indicator to hold and stoke the Campfire for 30 wood. You have to do it twice to complete the challenge. 

There is another spot to find the Campfire and complete the mission. So you need to run around, and you will find a couple of campfires in that area as well.   

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