Valkyrie Anatomia Tier List

Valkyrie Anatomia is a Japanese role-playing game being released in 2016. This is the fourth installment in the Valkyrie profile series. The leading character of the game is Lenneth Valkyrie and it includes many more characters of the Valkyrie universe which you can unlock by completing different quests. Valkyrie Anatomia is a story based game consisting of different chapters.

The story of the game is based on the Norse-mythology. You can add or recruit other characters available in the game. They will help you in battling against the enemies. This battle would be held between you and the monsters along with their bosses. You will earn treasure after defeating the enemies. There may be weapons hidden in the treasures. Your character has got the freezing skills to freeze the enemy during the fight.

Valkyrie Anatomia is a very interesting Role playing game. You can download the Valkyrie Anatomia game anytime for free from the Google play store and Apple app store and you can also play it online on facebook.

The characters of the Valkyrie Anatomia Omnia game are categorized into four groups.

The leading hero in the group S+ is LE Demise Axe. This is the best hero, you should pick straight away. The most prominent characters in group S are LE Albitora and LE Dragonian Halberd. They can be a good addition in your team.

The top hero in group A+ is LE Alfsvard. They are neither too good nor very bad. Some of the characters in group A are LE Spearsword Misteltein and LE Vorpal Shade. These characters are not recommended.

Tier S+

Name HPTier
LE Demise Axe3029S+

Tier S

Name HPTier
LE Albitora3023S
LE Dragonian Halberd3000S
LE Gnostic Candelabra3025S
LE Guirare3015S
LE Glastocrat2996S

Tier A+

LE Alfsvard?B+

Tier A

LE Spearsword Misteltein3014B
LE Vorpal Shade3007B

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