This guide helps to beat the Dong Zhuo boss in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. It comes to the very end of part four of the story.
You will need to pick all the battle flags on your way to the boss fight and make sure to have two companions to go into the boss fight. Let your companions take the aggro of the boss. You must learn the attack moves and then learn how to time your deflects. It will lead you through this boss fight.
Dong Zhuo has a big spirit meter, but he doesn’t do a lot of fatal strikes. It is time-consuming as it will take a while to deplete that meter and get a fatal strike. The fight revolves around learning the timing of the deflects because one of the fatal strikes doesn’t come down as quickly as you might anticipate.
He will get a little bit more aggressive in the second half of his health bar. You should have a high enough morale rank so you will take less damage from the boss and deal more damage. And don’t forget to use your Divine beast. He’s got a very long range with his attacks that can cover half of the arena, so it is recommended to keep your distance a little bit
You need to hold down your left bumper or L1 to keep yourself defended at all times. Otherwise, Dong Zhuo will deal a lot of damage to you.