Conan Chop Chop is an action-packed, cooperative adventure game set in the universe of Conan the Barbarian. The game’s rogue-like aspects provide a tough and rewarding gameplay experience for 1-4 players. As the great Conan, you must brave treacherous dungeons, huge boss battles, and an unlimited supply of loot. With its stick-figure graphics and funny sound effects, the game’s playful take on the original material will keep you delighted for hours. The combination of combat and rogue-lite gameplay makes each run unique and allows you to uncover new and intriguing item combinations. Conan Chop Chop is a cooperative game, making it an excellent choice for friends seeking a fun, hard dungeon crawling adventure.
If you are looking to start a split-screen co-op Conan Chop Chop with other players, you have come to the right place.
Split Screen
Follow the steps below to play Conan Chop Chop with multiple players on a shared screen.
- Make sure to connect the controllers you want to your gaming device.
- Go to the main menu and select the “START” option.
- The controller players need to press “A” to join the game.
- While the keyboard player has to press “F” to join.
- Choose a character to play as and hit “A” or “ENTER” to start the game.