DÂM-FUNK GTA Online Music Collectible Guide

This guide will show you how to find the new DÂM-FUNK (music collectible) in Grand Theft Auto Online.

  • You need to bring out your in-game mobile phone and navigate to the Contact list.
    You will find a contact named “West Coast Classics“.
  • Make a call to this contact and then DJ Pooh will ask you to visit the observatory wall.
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  • After that, open up your in-game map and you will find some music icons. These are the locations you want to travel to find it.
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Location #1 The first location is the observatory wall, so head there and you will find the USB on the wall.

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Location #2 You can also make your way to Grove Street if you haven’t found it on the observatory wall.

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Once you get there, you will find it on the little ledge near the porch.

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Location #3 Now for the third spot, open up the map and make your way to the following location.

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After getting there, just head up to the little kiosk and you will find it on the counter.

Location #4 The next location is in Simeon’s showroom, so head there and navigate to the lobby. You will find the USB on the coffee table.

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Location #5 Finally, the last location is on the top of Maze Bank and you will find the USB on the ledge.

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