Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Tier list

Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia is a new addition in the Dissidia Final Fantasy game series that was released in 2017. This is a role playing game featuring all the characters of the Dissidia Final Fantasy universe. Opera Omnia is a complete story based game. Every character comes with a background story. You can unlock the characters as you proceed in different chapters of the story. You have to choose the characters and make your best squad to battle against the enemies. The characters have got skills and equipment to win you a battle.

This would be a turn based battle in which you will be given equal time and opportunity to take down the enemy. You will be equipped with weapons to kill them. In the multiplayer mode of the Opera Omnia game, you can add up to two players along with you to battle in the form of a team. The rewards will be awarded on winning the battles. Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia is specially designed for mobile phone game players. You can download it for free from the Google play store and Apple app store.

The characters of the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game are categorized into eight groups.

The leading heroes in the group SS are Cloud and Laguna. These heroes are the best of the best. The most prominent characters in group S are Edgar and Hope. Their role is very important in the game.

The top heros in group A are Alisaie and Bartz. They are very good in almost every situation. The most highlighted heroes in group B are Cater and Eiko. The leading heros in the group C are Ashe and Edge. They are just average characters.

The top characters in the group D are Aerith and Galuf. These are below average heroes.
The leading heros in the group E are Auron and Balthier. These heroes are not capable of winning you the game so avoid picking them. The main character in group F is Sazh. This is considered to be the weakest character.

Tier SS

CloudOverall Good DPSSS
SerahBrave Battery+BufferSS
SquallBRV AttackerSS
TerraHP AttackerSS
VaanHP AttackerSS
YunaBrave BatterySS

Tier S

EdgarDebuffer [Apparently]S
HopeBrave BatteryS
KrileBrave BatteryS
LilisetteBrave Battery+Debuffer+BufferS
PrisheFlexible Attacker (Physical+Magical)S
Warrior of LightTankS
ZidaneSPD WarmongerS

Tier A

AceSelf-Buffing DPSA
AlisaieMulti-Element DPSA
BartzBRV AttackerA
CecilGood AoE BRV AttackerA
FirionVampiric Damage DealerA
LightningSelf-Buffing DPSA
Onion KnightFlexible DPS (Physical+Magical)A
ThancredPoison SpecialistA
TidusSPD WarmongerA
ViviGood Magical DPSA

Tier B

CaterBRV attackerB
EikoHealer+BRV BatteryB
JechtGeneral Good DPSB
KingRanged DPSB
LayleKnock Back SpecialistB
RydiaMagical DPSB
SeiferBRV AttackerB
SephirothBRV AttackerB
Y’ShtolaMagic BRV AttackerB
YangAoE HP AttackerB
YuriGeneral Good DpsB
ZackBRV Scrapping TankB

Tier C

KainGenerally Good DPSC
PapalymoMagical DPSC
RaijinThunder DPSC
TifaBRV AttackerC
VincentBRV AttackerC
WakkaRandom Self-BufferC

Tier D

AerithHealer+Brave BatteryD
GarnetMagical DPSD
IrvineRanged DPSD
SabinGenerally Good DPSD
ShadowSPD WarmongerD
YuffieBrave BatteryD
ZellAoE AttackerD

Tier E

AuronBrave AttackerE
BalthierBuff Stealer DPSE
CelesMagic DPS NullifierE
FuujinWind DPSE
LionBRV AttackerE
PalomLong-Term Battle SpecialistE
SteinerAnti Human DPS.E
YdaPoison DPSE

Tier F

SazhRanged DPSF

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