Epic War Thrones Codes 2023

Epic War Thrones is a free-to-play multiplayer strategy game for mobile phones. You will need to lead the army’s troops, select the generals, and formation of your troops to battle against the enemies. You have to counter the enemies in a huge number and destroy their bases while protecting your own at the same time. Make new alliances to beat the enemy alliances and occupy the area. Set the best formation and sit back to let your troops battle automatically. Bring all the enemies down and conquer the land. Epic War Thrones is one of the best large-scale battle games to be featured on mobile phones.

Active codes

CBEYXPKFUse it to get 1288 Bronze coins and 88 Martial arts points
CBFQUXDJUse it to get 1000 Bronze coins and 100 Martial arts points
CBHLTWYEUse it to get 100 Gems and 100 Martial arts points
CBJXZTYPUse it to get 100 Gems and 100 Martial arts points
CBKWMCHCUse it to get 1000 Bronze coins and 100 Martial arts points
CBLZPTTCUse it to get 100 Gems and 100 Martial arts points
CBMJLEYLUse it to get 10,000 Bronze coins and 100 Martial arts points
CBNJXYTMUse it to get 100 Gems and 100 Martial arts points
CBPLCTXWUse it to get 1000 Bronze coins and 100 Martial arts points
CBQBAPVJUse it to get 1000 Bronze coins and 100 Martial arts points
CBWHCUCLUse it to get 12888 Bronze coins
CBXJLEUEUse it to get 38 Gems
CBZXEFMJUse it to get 288 Martial arts points
CCANQBBRUse it to get 20 Gems and 144 Martial arts points
CCBQMERLUse it to get 20 Gems and 5888 Bronze coins
CCCYGESRUse it to get 5888 Bronze coins and 144 Martial arts points
CCFYDNSUUse it to get 288 Martial arts points
CCGSPVZJUse it to get 20 Gems and 144 Martial arts points
CCHXXYTFUse it to get 20 Gems and 5888 Bronze
CCJQXBBRUse it to get 5888 Bronze coins and 144 Martial arts points
CCMUMYLYUse it to get 12000 Bronze coins
CCNLANKCUse it to get 688 Martial arts points
CCQNRQWPUse it to get gems and other exclusive rewards
CCSWUFCYUse it to get Gems and other exclusive rewards
CDXZHLFFUse it to get 20 Gems and 144 Martial arts points
CDYPKKKKUse it to get 20 Gems and 5888 Bronze
CEAWMJDBUse it to get 38 Gems
CEBJVCBEUse it to get 12000 Bronze coins
CECPVDTYUse it to get 288 Martial arts points
CEDQNPYTUse it to get 20 Gems and 144 Martial arts points
CEEFZKGMUse it to get 20 Gems and 5888 Bronze
LUCKYUse it to get Captial City Skin, 300 Skill Points, 100 Bead, Hulao Pass, 48000 Copper and General Jiang Wei

How to use the CDkey code in Epic War Thrones?

You can easily redeem the codes in Epic War Thrones by following the steps below: 

  1. Step 1: Go to the following official redemption website of Epic War Thrones: https://lp.archosaur.com/cdkey/slg/index.html?locale=en
  2. Step 2: Enter into the game and tap on the Profile icon at the top left corner of your screen. 
  3. Step 3: Copy your Character ID and enter the codes in the “CDkey” text box.  
  4. Step 4: Then tap the ‘Confirm’ button to receive a reward.

How to get Epic War Thrones codes?

Epic War Thrones CDkey gift codes are released on different websites. In this article, we will provide you with all the codes to get your desired rewards in Epic War Thrones. And we will update the list once the new codes arrive.

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