Generation Zero is an open-world action game set in an alternate 1980s Sweden where robots have taken over. As a member of the resistance, you will engage in guerrilla warfare against these lethal mechanical foes in stealth and action-packed missions. You can easily play alone or with up to three buddies and switch between solo and co-op modes. The game has a large open-world terrain inspired by the Swedish Cold War era, where you can explore and pillage buildings for weapons and supplies to aid in your resistance operations. Generation Zero, developed and self-published by Avalanche Studios, promises to provide a unique and engaging gaming experience for fans of stealth-action shooters and open-world games.
If you are looking to host or join an online session of Generation Zero, you have come to the right place.
Host Online
To host an online session of Generation Zero, you need to follow the steps below:
- Start or resume your game by selecting “Play” or “Continue” from the main menu.
- Press the Escape button to open the Game Menu and select “Multiplayer.”
- Change “Who Can Join” to “Invite Only” or “Anybody”. If you select “Anybody,” other players can join your game without an invitation. You must invite players manually if you select “Invite Only.”
- Invite your friends via Steam Invite or press “R” to invite players manually, and then hit”Apply” to save your change.
Join Online
To join an online session of Generation Zero, you need to follow the steps below. There are two methods to join a game, and you can follow any of them.
Method 1:
- Go to the Game Menu and select “Multiplayer”.
- Tap on “Find Game” to browse the available games. You can also filter them by the game name and location.
- Choose the game and hit the “Join Game” button to enter the game.
Method 2:
- Your friend needs to send you an invite via Steam Invite. So you need to wait for that.
- After that, check your notifications and click Invite to join the game.
- Then the game will launch, and you will join the lobby.