How to Change Acid Product Name in GTA 5 Online

This guide will let you know how to change the acid product name. You will also learn how to get all the acid names and how to get the bonus.

  • The first thing you will need to do is open up the interaction menu.
  • Once it opens up, scroll down and click on Services. After that, click Acid Lab.
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  • Now scroll down on the menu until you reach the section displaying the product name and then click on it.
    You will be directed to a menu where you can find various options related to the product name. For the first time, you can access these options for free.
  • To use these name options, you have to do “resupplies” and “boost the acid” a couple of times.
  • If you want to do it more, then it’ll cost five thousand dollars.
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You will get a five percent bonus once you claim one of these names.