This guide will tell you how to do console commands ( admin ) on your G-Portal server.
The first thing you will need to do is open your browser and go to steam Id finder. After reaching this site, you have to enter your Steam name under the basic column. Then you will get the steam ID which is a number.

After this, you have to open the G-port website, go under settings and then scroll down. After that, find admin and then paste your steam Id under the admin list. You need to click on Save and then click on Restart.

After this, you have to boot up the game, then click on the Continue button and tap on the server. You have to login into your server, and then press the semi-colon key to open up the console. In the console, you have to type admin and then take the first option. Then you have to write give iron and then you have to choose the option in the middle of the list. Here you can give the item name that you want.

Now you have to go back to the game and press the tab button on your keyboard. In your inventory, you will find the things you have got from the console.