All Fixes for RDR 2 mods for Empress release version 1436.28

This guide will show you how to make more runs on Empres’s release of Red Dead Redemption 2. You first have to download two software to fix it.

  • Open up the RDR 2 game directory and copy the Scrpthook and version.dll files inside it.
  • For the LML part, open up the lml-rdr-beta folder and navigate to the mod loader folder. Select all the files in it except “Place all this in the” file and paste it into the directory.
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  • After that, copy the mod manager folder on the desktop. Open up the Mod Manager folder and double-click on the ModeManager.ui file.
  • Tap on the Setting icon, click on the Browse button, and select your game directory. After that, tap on the Select Folder button.
  • Finally, open up RDR2 and wait for it to connect.