How to Get Snowberry Seeds In LEGO Fortnite

Biomes like the scorching desert or freezing snow areas are tough to survive in. To flourish in these places, you’ll need special heat-resistant foods, like snowberries, suited for extreme climates. In this guide, you will learn how to get Snowberry Seeds in LEGO Fortnite.

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Step 1: To obtain snowberry seed in Lego Fortnite, you’ll need to build a Grain Mill.
This machine grinds food and separates seeds.

Step 2: Inside the Grain Mill, check the recipes available and you’ll find the snowberry seed recipe at the bottom.

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Step 3: To get snowberry seeds, you’ll first need snowberries. Look for snowberry bushes, usually found on the edges of frosty lands.

Step 4: Put a snowberry in the mill and choose the snowberry seed recipe.
It takes about 10-15 seconds to convert one snowberry into two seeds. If you’re lucky, you might also find snowberry seeds in chests.

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Step 5: Once you have snowberry seeds, consider creating a seed garden near your base.
A seed garden needs two soil and one fertilizer to make.

Step 6: If you want to grow multiple seeds simultaneously, you’ll need more soil.
Soil can be obtained by digging up the ground, so it’s quite easy to collect.

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