This guide will let you know how to play Grand Theft Auto 5 with PS4 Friends on PS5. You have to follow all the instructions carefully to play GTA 5.
The first thing you will need to do is press the Playstation button, go to the GTA 5 game and press down on the D-pad. Then you have to go to the Options icon right next to the Play game button and tap on the Select Version option.
You will find the PS4 version of the game on the left side; this version will allow you to play with the last generation of friends. If you want to play with your friend using PS4, you have to download and install this PS4 version on your PS5.
Now you need to adjust your field of view to 70, which will be similar to a hundred field view, and you also need to change your aim assist to 100. After that, scroll down and tap over to soldier zoom aim sensitivity, and this will fine-tune the aiming sensitivity of the soldier weapon, while in the zoom, you need to change it to eighty.
Now you need to scroll down, go to the advanced section, and you will find the labor Acceleration option there. You have to change it to ten. You need to set the vertical aim to seventy because it will adjust the ratio of vertical aim to horizontal aim for the soldier. Now you need to set a hundred ratio in vertical zoom ratio.
Now you need to tap over to the vehicles tab, change the aim sensitivity, and then for the third-person vehicle field of view; you need to set it to 70. You need to set your tank aim sensitivity, summer aim sensitivity, and your transport vehicle freelook sensitivity to ninety to stay on target.
Now you need to tap over to the vehicles tab, change the aim sensitivity, and then for the third-person vehicle field of view; you need to set it to 70. Now you need to set your tank aim sensitivity, summer aim sensitivity and your transport vehicle freelook sensitivity to ninety to stay on target.
You need to tap over to controller tuning and turn off your controller vibration. You have to set your dead zone to seven for the left stick and change the max input to a hundred. You need to change your center dead zone to five for the right control stick. Set zero to the L2 dead zone, and seventy to the L2 max input; so that you don’t have to press the right thumbstick or left thumbstick to get max speed in the vehicle.
After that, tap on Accessibility and turn on the color blind mode to allow you to see enemies easier and tell your team where they are. Now you need to tap over to the general tab and turn off your camera shake because it will be difficult to aim while running. If you want to play the game with a better experience, you have to turn off the crossplay option in the other section.
Now you need to tap over to the video tab and set the motion blur to fifty to see everything accurately. You also need to turn off chromatic aberration, film grain, vignette, and lens distortion.