Genshin Impact Tier List

Genshin Impact is a fantasy role playing game which was released in 2020. This game is based on an open world environment called Teyvat. You have to explore this world and discover the hidden mysteries. You have the option to interact with the characters located in Teyvat and they can help you out exploring the area. Every character is unique from one another and they have got their own skills and abilities. Add them into your team by keeping an eye on their abilities.

You can move freely in teyvat, swim in the rivers or climb up the mountains as you would like to do. Genshin Impact is a very interesting fantasy game that is available to play on the Windows PC, Nintendo Switch, Playstation as well as on the mobile phones. To play the game on a mobile phone, you can download it for free from the Apple app store and Google play store.

Tier SS

CharacterElementWeaponBonus StatTier
DilucPyroClaymoreCRIT RateSS
VentiAnemoBowEnergy RechargeSS
KleePyroCatalystPyro DMG BonusSS
BennettPyroSwordEnergy RechargeSS
MonaHydroCatalystEnergy RechargeSS
Childe (Tartaglia)HydroBowHydro DMGSS

Tier S

CharacterElementWeaponBonus StatTier
QiqiCryoSwordHealing BonusS
NingguangGeoCatalystGeo DMG BonusS
JeanAnemoSwordHealing BonusS
RazorElectroClaymorePhysical DMG BonusS
AlbedoGeoSwordGeo DMG BonusS
ZhongliGeoPolearmGeo DMGS

Tier A

CharacterElementWeaponBonus StatTier
XianglingPyroPolearmElemental MasteryA
KeqingElectroSwordCRIT DMGA
DionaCryoBowCryo DMGA
BeidouElectroClaymoreElectro DMG BonusA
SucroseAnemoCatalystAnemo DMG BonusA

Tier B

CharacterElementWeaponBonus StatTier
LisaElectroCatalystElemental MasteryB
KaeyaCryoSwordEnergy RechargeB
Traveler (Anemo)AnemoSwordATKB
Traveler (Geo)GeoSwordATKB
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