Grim Guardians: Demon Purge is a gripping 2D action-adventure game that tells the story of two tough sisters who set out on a journey to preserve their school from being turned into a demonic fortress. Gamers take control of both characters and use their distinct skill sets to battle their way through swarms of opponents. The game contains fast-paced combat; difficult boss encounters, and breathtaking visuals that entertain gamers for hours. Grim Guardians: Demon Purge is a must-play game for action-adventure fans thanks to its compelling plot, massive combat, and simple gameplay mechanics.
If you want to start a split-screen Grim Guardians: Demon Purge with other players, you have come to the right place.
- Make sure that all controllers are connected to your gaming device and that they are working correctly.
- Launch the game and tap “GAME START” from the main menu.
- Tap on “SAVE DATA” to create a save file and then select “STYLE” to choose the game mode.
- After that, choose “2 PLAYERS” to specify how many players you need to play on the same screen.
- Now the game will split the screen.
- Each player will have a separate section, and the players can use their respective controllers to play the game.