How to Find Heavy Wool in LEGO Fortnite

This guide will show you where to find heavy wool and how to create a heavy wool thread in LEGO Fortnite. You can use heavy wool threads to create epic charms. There are two different ways of finding it, and you can follow any one of them.

Assign job to a villager

  • You need to upgrade your village to level seven or eight and make sure to have a loom and a spinning wheel in your village.
  • Assign a refining job to your villager to create textiles.
  • After that, leave them on the job and they will have several rewards.
    One of the rewards will be a heavy wool thread. It will also unlock the recipe.

Find it yourself

  • The other way to find heavy wool is by finding it yourself. Make your way to the snow biome and look for the brown sheep at the top of the mountains.
  • Once you find one, pet and then kill them to obtain the heavy wool.
  • You can also find the heavy wool in one of the chests, so keep opening the random chest and you will eventually find the heavy wool.