How To Fix Mafia 2 Definitive Edition Xinput1_4

The most reliable methods to fix the “Mafia 2 Definitive Edition Xinput1_4.dll” error are explained step by step below.

How to fix this error with method 1?

Step 1: First, go to the File Explorer and click on the Computer.

Step 2: And then, you have to go to the C:/ drive.

Step 3: Double click on the Windows folder.

Step 4: Scroll down here until you find the System32 folder.

Step 5: Next, open the System32 folder and scroll down until you find the xinput1_3.dll file.

Step 6: Then right-click on it, copy the file, and paste it on the Desktop.

Step 7: Now, you need to rename the pasted file. Just rename it from xinput1_3.dll to xinput1_4.dll.

Step 8: Then copy the file from the Desktop. Next, you have to go back to System32 and paste the file there.

Step 9: Once you have done it, right-click on the Mafia 2 Definitive Edition and click on the Open file location

Step 10: Here, you need to paste the file which you have copied earlier.

Now you can run the game, and there will be no error. You are done resolving the issue with method1.

How to fix this error with method 2?

Step 1: You need to go to your browser and open up the following link.

Step 2: Here, you need to scroll down until you find the Download button.

Step 3: Once you have downloaded it, click on the downloaded file at the bottom of your browser and click on the Show in folder.

Step 4: Now, you need to extract the downloaded file.

Step 5: Next, open the extracted folder.

Step 6: Then copy the Xinput1_4.dll file from the folder.

Step 7: Afterward, go to the File Explorer and click on the Computer.

Step 8: And then, you have to go to the C:/ drive.

Step 9: Double click on the Windows folder.

Step 10: Scroll down here until you find the System32 folder.

Step 11: Next, open the System32 folder and paste here the file you have copied earlier. 

Step 12: Once you have done it, right-click on the Mafia 2 Definitive Edition and click on the Open file location.

Step 13: Paste here the copied file.

Now you can run the game, and there will be no error. You are done resolving the issue with method 2.

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