How to Get Custom Themes ON Nintendo Switch 14.1.1

This guide will tell you how to get Custom Themes on Nintendo Switch 14.1.1.

Theme Injector

1- First of all, click on the following link and it will take you to the official site of GitHub from where you can download the switch theme injector.

2- Once you reach this site, click the link under the release button on the right side of the screen. Then on the next page, go under the Assets tab and click on NX Theme Installer.

3- Now take your switch sd card, put it into your PC, and make sure that your switch is off.

4- Open the switch folder in your SD card, then drag the downloaded file and drop it in this folder.

Download Themezer

1- To download the Themezer app, click on the link: and it will take you to the official GitHub download page.

2- Once you reach this site, scroll down and click on the link under Themezer. nx. It will take you to the official site of Themezer.

3- On this website, you will find a lot of different switch themes. You can also check out the packs and the individual themes. It will help you in choosing a theme for each switch screen individually.

4- If you click on the theme tab from the top of the screen, it will give you options to choose a menu. Then go to the Packs tab and select the pack of theme for your game. Click on Download from the right side of the screen.

5- Now go back to the GitHub page of themezer and then click on the link under the release button on the right side of the screen. Then on the next page, go under the Assets tab and click on Themzer.NX.

6- It is a homebrew app that will connect you to the website, and you can download switch themes straight from the switch.

7- Open the switch folder in your SD card, then drag the downloaded file and drop it in this folder.

8- Go to the triforce font website, and you can choose any font you want you might have to play around with it and see which font works best for you after selecting the font click on the download on the right side and then save it.

9- Now go back to the switch folder of your sd card and make a new folder. The name of the folder should be Themes.

10- Then open the themes folder, and here make a new folder and name it Fonts. Then make another folder in the fonts folder, name it Zelda, and place the downloaded triforce file.

11- Go back to the themes folder, make a folder called Themezernx and create a new folder called packs in the themezernx folder.

12- Open up the pack of the themes that you downloaded, extract it and then paste it into the pack’s folder.

13- Now the packs are installed. After this, remove your sd card from your PC and put it back into your switch.

Switch Settings

1- First, boot up your switch, and then the switch menu will come in front of you.

2- Now go to the homebrew menu. For this, click on the album on the home screen. Then go to the nx theme installer.

3- Select the extract home menu, select extract home menu from the right side, and press A to install custom themes.

4- Then extract the home menu first as this process may take several minutes, so don’t let your console go to sleep mode, and don’t press the home button.

5- Once this process is complete, go back and select themes from the left side and fonts from the right side.

6- Then select Zelda, and at last select triforce, and it will install the fonts. After that, restart your switch to apply the changes.

7- Again, open the NX Themes installer and select themes from the left side, and then select ThemezerNX from the right side.

8- Then select packs, then the select legend of Zelda skyward sword had.

9- You have a few options, press a to install themes and y to multi-select options.

10- Now press y on all apps or anywhere, select the others with A, and then press plus.

11- Go to the reboot option and then reboot the switch. In case your switch crashes after you install a theme and reboot the system, you may have installed a crashed theme.

Crash Error

1- Hold the power button on your switch until it turns off completely to solve this error.

2- Then remove the sd card and put it into your PC. Go to the atmosphere folder and then go to the contents folder. Look for the folder that starts with 01 and ends with 1000.

3- After finding this folder, right-click on it and select delete from the drop-down menu.

4- Now boot up the switch and then again go back to nx themes installer and then try to install another theme by following the same previous steps.

5- Once the theme is installed then, go to all apps. Here you will see all your themes and fonts are now changed.