This guide will tell you how to install RiiConnect24 on Nintendo Wii. For this, you need to make sure that you have a good internet connection and a USB drive.
First, you have to click on the following link and it will bring you to a GitHub page. Scroll down and navigate under the Assets. You have to select the version of the RiiConnect24 for your PC as it is also available for Mac and Linux. Once the download completes, you have to launch it, then press 1 and then press enter as it will start checking for the update.

After that, select the device that you are going to patch, you have to press 1 for Wii. Then again press 1 to start the setup and press 1 again to select the express path. You have to select your region, then skip the channel selection and press 5 to continue. In case you have an SD card or a USB drive connected to your computer, you need to press 1; otherwise, press 2. After that, press 1 to start the patching.

Once the process is complete, you have to press 2 to close the program. You will find this folder in the download folder of your computer or if you have selected an SD card, then you will find this in the SD card. Open this wad folder as it will contain all the patched files. After this, go back, and there you will find an app folder that will help you in installing the wad files. Then you have to drag the wad and the app folder and drop it into your USB or SD card folder.

After this, take out your USB or SD card, then plug it into your Wii system and turn it ON. Then you have to click on the homebrew channel and launch the Wii mode lite or the multi-mod manager. Once the application starts, you have to select the ward manager and then install all the wards one by one.

You also have to install the ios 31 and 80 as these will make sure that everything is working properly. In case you get an error, then you have to install it again. Once the installation is finished, you need to press the Home button to exit the application. After that, press the Home button again to exit and come to the Wii menu. Now you will find that all the channels are installed now.

After this, you have to set up the mail password to use the reconf 24. For this, you have to go to the Homebrew channel, then go to the reconnect 24mm patcher and press the Load button. It will patch the Wii mail within a few seconds. Once this completes, you have to press the Home button to exit and then the Wii mail patcher will be ready to use. With this, you will be able to receive emails with Wii reconnect 24.

Now, you have to set up the DNS servers to reconnect 24 servers. For this, you need to go to the options, then go to the Wii settings and navigate to page 2. Select Internet, then go to connection settings and select your current connection. After that, click on Change settings and then you need to swipe right to go to an auto-obtain DNS, you have to select NO. Then you have to click on advanced settings and set the primary DNS to Set the Secondary DNS to and then click on the Confirm button.

After that, go to Wii connect 24 and click on Wii connect 24 again. You have to make sure that it is enabled.

Go to the internet, click on User agreements and then tap on Yes. You have to press Next to continue and you will find the Reconnect 24 logo. After that, agree to the reconnect 24 agreement and then press OK to return to the Wii menu.

Now the reconnect 24 is fully installed and you will find the channels. You will also find the Nintendo channel, open this channel as it is used for showcasing upcoming games and products. But this is now no longer connected to Nintendo servers but you can connect this to reconnect 24 as it will help you in showcasing upcoming brand-new games.

The next channel is the check Mii out channel, this channel is used for creating mems, and then you can also share them with the community. You can also list your memes in popular contests. You can also vote on your favorites.

The next channel is the Everybody vote channel. You can use this channel if you want to vote for certain prompts and even you can predict the outcome. These prompts are also curated by Reconnect 24. Here you will see new content that is not used.

The next channel is the news and forecast channel as this will tell you the correct weather and also you have patched the emails, you can also send and receive messages, also you can send images and videos for certain games that support this feature.