How to Max Toddlers Skills Cheat – The Sims 4

In this brief guide, you will find instructions on how to quickly maximize the skills of your toddler sims using cheats in The Sims 4. Toddler sims have five different skills that they can level up. Each skill can be maxed out at level 5, except for the “potty” skill, which has a maximum level of 3.

Step 1: First, select and control the toddler sim that you want to level up or max skill for. Once you have selected the toddler, press the ‘CTRL+Shift+C‘ keys on your keyboard simultaneously. This will open the cheat box, where you can enter cheat commands.

Step 2: Within the cheat box, type in “testingcheats true” and press the Enter key. Enabling this cheat will grant you access to additional cheat commands that can be used to modify various aspects of the game.

Step 3: Now, it’s time to boost your toddler sim’s communication skills to the maximum level. To do this, enter the command “stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_communication 5” in the cheat box and press Enter. The number ‘5’ at the end of the cheat represents the desired level of communication skill.

Step 4: To max out the imagination skill of your toddler sim, type in the command “stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_imagination 5” in the cheat box and press Enter. This cheat will set the imagination skill to level 5, allowing your toddler sim to reach its full potential in this area.

Step 5: Similarly, you can max out the movement skill of your toddler sim by typing the command “stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_movement 5” in the cheat box and pressing the Enter key. This cheat will set the movement skill to level 5, enabling your toddler sim to move with agility and coordination.

Step 6: The potty skill, which is crucial for toddlers, has a maximum level of 3. To max out the potty skill of your toddler sim, enter the command “stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_potty 3” in the cheat box and press Enter.

Step 7: Lastly, to maximize the thinking skill of your toddler sim, input the command “stats.set_skill_level statistic_skill_toddler_thinking 5” in the cheat box and press Enter. This cheat will set the thinking skill to level 5, allowing your toddler sim to develop advanced cognitive abilities.