How To Start a Casino Heist – GTA V

In this guide, you will know how to start a Casino Heist in GTA V. Go through the guide and follow all the instructions carefully. 

To start the casino heist, you first need to go to the game map and search for the L symbol on the map. The L symbol indicates Lester, and he is the one who will give you the Casino heist. When you talk to him, he will introduce you to the people connected with the casino to start those heists.

Before the heist, Lester will give you another mini-mission, and you have to complete this mission to purchase an arcade. The map indicates the arcades by yellow marks, as shown in the image below. 

There are six arcades on the whole map; when you purchase the arcade, you can go to that arcade and customize it by the games and the machines. So now you need to go to your manager’s office, and you will see a video game machine on your left side, and you have to pull it over, and you will find a secret path there. 

Follow the path downstairs towards the basement, and you will find your master control terminal in the basement. Moving forward, you will see your garage door. When you move around, you will find three planning boards. On the left planning board, you will see the scoping out images of the casino and the images of the main door, side doors, and roofs on that board.

After that, go towards the next planning board; you can select the guns you will use in the heist and which car you will use for escaping. You will also find the details for Approach specific prep. You can also do optional missions like Guard patrol routes and guy-in shipment. When you press the triangle button on the info, it will guide you more about what it does, as shown in the image below.  

It will reduce the weapons and armours available to the casino security guards to do less damage to you. If the security intel is locked, you have to do the story mission through the penthouse. 

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