How to Uninstall Riot Games Client on Windows 10/11

This guide will let you know how to uninstall the Riot Games client on Windows 10/11. The Riot client might have multiple folders on your computer, so you must follow all the steps below to delete the Riot games completely.

Delete Riot games using the desktop icon

In this section, we will take you through the steps to delete Riot games from a desktop computer. The process involves right-clicking the Riot icon on the desktop, selecting “Open file location” from the menu, and then deleting the Riot file that needs to be removed.

  • Look for the Riot icon on your desktop. Right-click on the selected Riot icon and a menu will appear.
  • Look for the option “Open file location” in the menu and click on it.
    A new window will open, showing the location of the Riot application files.
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  • Look for the drive where the Riot files are located. This could be your C: drive, or any other drive where you have installed the Riot application.
  • Click on the drive to open it and find the Riot file that you want to delete.
  • After that, select the file, and click on the Delete icon.

It will delete all the Riot games.

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Delete Riot games using the start menu

This section describes how to delete Riot games using the start menu on a Windows computer. The process involves searching for the Riot Client application in the start menu, opening its file location, navigating to the Riot game folder, and then deleting it by clicking the delete icon.

  • Click on the Start Menu button located at the bottom left corner of the desktop.
  • In the search bar, type “Riot Client” and wait for the search results to appear.
  • Right-click on the Riot Client application and select the “Open file location” option.
    A new window will open, showing the location of the Riot Client application files.
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  • Click the programs file from the bar, and select the riot game folder.
  • Next, you need to click the delete icon to delete it.
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Delete Riot games using the run

The section describes how to delete Riot games using Run. By following the steps below, you will able to delete Riot games installed on your computer.

  • Click on the Start Menu button located at the bottom left corner of the desktop.
  • In the search bar, type “run” and wait for the search results to appear. Click on the “Run” app to open it.
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  • Type the ‘appdata‘ in the search box and click the Ok button.
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  • You need to go to local files and select the Riot games and Valorant folders to delete them.
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Delete Riot games using the add or remove a program

The section will take you through the steps to delete Riot games from a desktop computer using the “Add or Remove Programs” feature.

  • Now to delete all the Riot games, click on the Start menu button in the bottom left corner of your desktop screen.
  • Type “remove programs” in the search box that appears.
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Type the relevant Riot games in the search bar and delete them.

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Finally, you have to delete the Riot client icon on your desktop.