How to Unlock CHARLIE NEW MISSIONS & Get Started in GTA Online San Andreas Mercenaries

This guide will help you to unlock Charlie’s new missions and get started in GTA Online San Andreas Mercenaries.

  • You will receive a phone call in-game from a character named Charlie during gameplay. After the call from Charlie, you’ll notice the letter C marked on your map.
  • Despite the presence of the C marker on the map, you don’t have to go to that location right away.
  • You need to obtain an Avenger by upgrading the operations terminal.
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  • Go to the in-game website and navigate to the Money and Services section.
  • Look for Maze Bank Foreclosure in the listings provided in the quick access toolbar.
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In the game, there are multiple hangers with green map markers, indicating that they are available for purchase.

  • From the hangers displayed on the map, select the one you want to buy based on your preferences and budget.
  • Take note that the hangers in the southern part of the map, close to the LSI airport, are generally cheaper options.
  • In contrast, the hangers located in the middle of the map, near Fort Zancudo, tend to be more expensive. Once you have selected the hanger you want to buy, proceed with the purchase process within the game.
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  • Access the in-game Cache and Carry website, and click on the section that offers the Avenger for purchase.
  • Make sure to check the exact price of the selected Avenger model, as it can range from 3.4 to 4.7 million dollars.
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  • Now open the interaction menu.
    There will be different sections.
  • You have to find and select the Vehicle section. Once you are in the Vehicle section, select the option that says Avenger.
    You will get the Avenger.
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  • Navigate your Avenger and press the right D-pad button at this point. If you are playing on a PC, press the E key on your keyboard.
  • After hitting the right D-pad or E key, your Avenger will be successfully stored inside your hangar.
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  • To modify your Avenger, press the right D-pad to open the customization menu.
  • Within the customization menu, look for the Customize option, where you’ll find familiar options for modifying your Avenger.
    These include armour upgrades, bombs, engine upgrades, handling improvements, liveries, and respraying.

While in the hangar’s customization section, you’ll notice a new addition called the Charlie upgrade.

  • Once you’ve made your desired modifications, confirm your choices, and save the changes to apply them to your Avenger.
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  • To access the operational terminal, you need to buy it, and it costs approximately 1.45 million dollars.
  • After purchasing it, you can access it by entering the backside of your Avenger.
  • Once you are inside the Avenger, navigate toward the operational terminal and click on Project Overthrow, which is the story mission you want to start.
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Once the window appears, you’ll find a list of six different story missions that you can undertake.

Among the listed story missions, the first one is Reporting for Duty.
This mission requires you to investigate Merryweather’s activities at Davis Quartz.

  • Before starting each contact mission, you have the option to select the difficulty level.
    You can choose between Easy, Normal, and Hard difficulty settings for each mission.
  • Once you’ve chosen the desired difficulty level, start the selected story mission to progress through the game’s narrative.
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  • Now you have to click the LS Angels option from the operational terminal from the right side.
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These missions are available for players to undertake without any additional cost and there are three different missions that you can choose to complete.

Among the three missions, Direct Action is one option with the highest payout of $68,000.
This mission involves conducting a raid on an aircraft carrier.

The other two missions are categorized as Professional level missions, which have lower difficulty and lower payouts compared to Direct Action. One of the Professional missions is called Surgical Strike, where your objective is to locate and destroy a significant Merryweather field base.

The other Professional mission is named Whistleblower, which involves exposing Merryweather’s government contracts that are off the books.

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