This guide will show you where to farm for Citrine, Citrine’s weapons, and how to complete Mirror Defense missions in Warframe.
Getting the new frame citrine along with her weapons is pretty simple. It’ll just get time-consuming if you aren’t exactly lucky.
The new mission type on Mars, which is a mirror defence mission, is where you can farm for her main blueprint, part blueprints, and weapon blueprints and parts. So you can farm everything you need from that specific mission.
The main blueprint for her weapons (Corufell and Steflos) can drop as A rotation rewards: the first two rounds, 5th and 6th Rounds, 9th and 10th rounds, etc.
The parts for both her weapons can drop as B rotation rewards, which are rounds 3, 7, 11, etc. You can also get either of the two new Arcane mods in B rotation (primary plated round and secondary Kinship).
And on C rotation, you can get all of Citrine’s parts/blueprints, including the main blueprint, as a reward. You can also get the other three arcane as C rotation rewards here. (Arcane double-back, arcane steadfast, and secondary encumber) rounds 4, 8, 12, etc.
You can also buy the parts, blueprints, and arcane you want from Otak on Deimos using crystals you earn from doing the mirror defense mission.
The new mirror defense mission isn’t super complicated, and it’s pretty simple to understand; it worked sort of like a normal defense mission, however instead of having waves and one target, you will have to go back and forth between defending two crystal for a certain amount of time.
You can also collect crystal remnants that spawn randomly. Around the area, as you kill enemies, (there is also a faint hum, like an audio cue that you can hear that indicates that a cluster Of crystals has spawned on the map.)
When you collect 50 of these crystals, you will earn Belric crystals. If you are defending Ran Ãans crystal (the crystal in the grineer area), And if you are defending Belric’s crystal (the crystal in the Corpus area, You will earn rania crystals.
Along with earning crystals, when you collect 50 remnants, a barrier/shield will be placed on the crystal you are defending to help you out a little as well. So when remnants start spawning, you have to do your best to collect them as best as possible.
When it’s time to go and defend the other crystal, you will also pass through a void tunnel. You can pick up fragments in the tunnel before you reach the other crystal. So you can pick those up as you pass through the tunnel too.
You will get bonus crystals from whichever crystal you finish your rotation at. The crystal you defend 2nd is the one you’ll get the extra crystal from at the end.
And with the belric and rania crystals you earn from doing the mirror defense, you can use them on Deimos when talking to Otak to buy Citrine’s blueprint, parts, weapons, and the New arcane mods as well.