In this guide, you will learn how to export water in Cities Skylines 2. Go through the guide and follow the simple steps below to easily export water.
- To export water in City Sky 2, your city needs to produce more water than it uses.
- So you have to check your water production to make sure there’s an excess.
- Access the Water and Sewage menu and you will find different options to produce water.
These include water pumping stations, water towers, groundwater pumping stations, and advanced water pumping stations. The advanced one produces the most water.
- You need to pick the advanced water pumping station and place it near a water source. Connect it to the road to make it operational and go to the map tiles in the bottom left corner.
- Purchase adjacent areas to reach the edge of the map where you want to export water. Now you have to extend your city to gain access to the outside.
- In the Water and Sewage menu, select the water pipe tool. Connect the water pipe from the pumping station to the edge of the map where the arrows indicate an outside connection.
- Click on the arrows at the map edge to confirm the outside connection for water.
This allows you to export water.
Check the Water and Sewage menu again and you’ll notice your city starts exporting water. The amount depends on the size of the pumping station used.
- You need to aim to export more than you import for better efficiency.