How to Find An Avocado Tree – The Sims 4

In this brief guide, I’ll show you how to find and harvest an Avocado Tree in The Sims 4. Follow the steps below to acquire those delicious avocados for your Sims!

Step 1: To begin your avocado adventure, you’ll need to head into Selvadorada, the jungle world in The Sims 4. Find a home near the jungle and confirm your visit there.

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Step 2: Once you reach there, zoom out your view to gain a better perspective and search for the path that leads you to the captivating jungle. Click the obstacle on the entrance point to the jungle and choose the options to clear it with hands or with a Machate. This gate leads to the jungle, where you can find the avocado tree!

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Step 3: Once the path is clear, your Sim can walk through it and enter into the enigmatic jungle. However, be patient and allow a brief moment for a pop-up to appear. This pop-up will present a scenario for you to read and choose an option that aligns with your Sim’s preferences. Once you’ve made your selection, your Sim will spawn inside the jungle, ready to embark on the quest to find the avocado tree.

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Step 4: Once your Sim found an avocado tree, it’s time to start harvesting those avocados! Click on the tree and you’ll see options such as “Harvest Avocado” or “Harvest All”. Choose the desired option, and harvested avocados will automatically appear in your Sim’s inventory, ready to be used in various culinary creations or even sold for a profit.

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Step 5: When you return home from your jungle adventure, you can continue your avocado journey by growing more avocados in your garden. Open your Sim’s inventory and locate the avocado seed. Simply drag and drop it onto the ground in your garden area.

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Step 6: With the avocado seed planted, click on it and select the “Plant” option. Your Sim will carefully sow the seed into the ground, and with some patience and nurturing, it will grow into a magnificent avocado tree.

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