How To Get A Keycard By Yourself Jailbreak

In this guide, you will get to know how to get a keycard by yourself in Roblox Jailbreak.
It works by yourself or with friends if nobody is on the police team. The first step to getting a keycard is to escape prison and become a Criminal.

Next, you will need to make your way to the airport where the cargo plane robbery is.

Once you reach the airport, you have to stick around if you do not have the boss Game pass and wait for the plane to land.
Look at the crates, and you will get to know when the plane is about to land. Once seven crates are in the white X, the cargo plane will spawn to collect them.

Once the cargo plane lands and opens, you have to get inside it and start the robbery like normal.
If you try using the lever, you will need a keycard to get out and that there is one in the plane.

It means that there is a chance a keycard is on the plane. Once the hatch closes and the robbery starts, you can inspect any crate on the plane.

Since you do not know where the keycard is, you may have to do this robbery again.

After getting the card, you will be able to open the door and get out. If you get a crate but not a card, you can still keep searching, but you cannot collect two crates.

You can open up any door that requires a keycard.

That also means you can rob the bank on your own.

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