How To Make Gray Concrete in MineCraft Survival

Gray concrete block is one of the blocks in the game, they can be used for decoration.To make a Gray Concrete, you will need Sand Blocks, Gravel, Skeleton Bone, Squid For Inc Sac, Bone Meal, Gray Dye and Gray Concrete Powder. Please follow the following steps to make Gray Concrete.

Sand Blocks

In order to make Gray concrete, the basic item you will need is sand. You will have to find and get at least four sand blocks. Collect the sand with your iron shovel.


The next required item will be gravel. Find at least four of them.

Skeleton Bone

In order to make gray concrete you will have to find and kill Skeletons to get the bones. Skeleton will randomly drop bone, pick that up. 

Squid For Inc Sac

After that you will have to find and kill squid in order to get ink sac. You will find them under the water.

Bone Meal

Now you will have to go towards the crafting table. Open up the 3*3 crafting grid and place the skeleton bone on it. This will give you the bone meal, bring this into your inventory.

Gray Dye

Now you have to make gray dye so that you can color the concrete. Open the crafting table and add meal bone on 3*3 crafting grid. You will get gray dye.

Gray Concrete Powder

Now you can craft Gray concrete powder with the help of gray dye, sand blocks and gravel blocks in inventory. Add these things into 3*3 crafting grid on the crafting table. This will provide you with gray concrete powder, and must take it into your inventory.

Gray Concrete

Go to the water stream and add gray concrete powder in the water. After placing it into water you can obtain gray concrete by using pickaxe. 

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