How to Start Any Heist in GTA 5 Online

In this article, you will get to know how to do heists with your friends or solo. You will get to know what are the requirements to do the heists in GTA 5 game.

In the GTA 5 game, you can do heists with your friends. If you don’t have many friends in the game, you can still heist with one or two friends. So you only need two people which is going to be a fleeker job. For other heists you will need four people. They might be your friends or some random people and you can start your heist with the cheapest property.

After buying this, you have to go inside it and head to the h symbol. When you go through the hallway, enter into the room and there you will see the heist board.

You have to do the heists in an order, so you will do it in a fleeker job, prison break, humane labs etc. You can do any heist in any order if you complete the last one. If you need to repeat the heists, you will still need the four players. The next one is doomsday heist. For this, you will need a facility. You don’t need to upgrade it. This facility is very expensive.

You have to wait for the Lester call and he will give you an order to go after it and then you can start the heists again. You have to do the heists in an order.

The next one will be the casino heist. You need to buy the actual arcade for casino heists. You don’t need to upgrade it, just buy it at its face value.

Then you have to go to the basement and there you will see the heist board. Just go to the first mission and enjoy it.

The other one will be a cayo perico heist. There’s no need for any friend to do this heist. You can do this on your own. All you have to do is go to the warstock cache and carry menu.

You can see kosatka. You’ve to purchase it.

You can also put the flag on it, just do it for free. Other things can cost you.

Now you have to wait for the sub icon to appear on your map.



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