Super Mario RPG Kero Sewers Guide

In this guide, you will learn where to find Super Mario RPG Kero Sewers using the easiest and quickest way.

  • Start by heading through the tubes, and fight the rats in the corners.
    There will be a chest with a flower tab. Be cautious; it might be a mimic.
  • After that, proceed up and grab a star from a possible hidden chest. Use the pipe to progress quickly without exploring extensively and activate a switch to lower the water level by fighting Boos and hitting the switch.
  • You need to explore the area, but if there’s anything hidden or missed.
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  • The boss is weak against lightning attacks and can turn characters into scarecrows. Consider equipping the anti-scarecrow pin to prevent scarecrow transformations.
  • Use Malow’s lightning attacks to exploit the boss’s weakness. In the Super Nintendo version, being entirely turned into scarecrows might have led to losing, but it’s uncertain if this remains the same in the current version. However, if turned into mushrooms, it could result in defeat.
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