This guide will let you know what Sabotage does in Among Us, and it will explain everything you need to know about Sabotage.
If you are an imposter in a match, you will see a sabotage option in your game, and when you click on it, your map will open in red color. There will be buttons on different map locations as well, as shown in the image below.
There are five different buttons, and each button has its function. When your crew member is in the upper region, you have to open your sabotage and click on the upper region button from the map. Then you will see that the upper region will be on lockdown, and your crew member cannot leave. So if you are inside, you can quickly kill the member, and if you are outside, you can block him inside the region.
When you click the Cafeteria button, you can easily block all three ways to the cafeteria. If someone is in the storage, you have to click on the storage button, which will close the room’s gate, and the crew member will be stuck there until it’s open, as shown in the image below.
You can use the X button to close the gates of the rooms, which only lasts for ten to fifteen seconds, and after that, it will open again.
The O2 button is used for oxygen; you have to click on the sabotage button and tap on the O2 button.
When you click on it, you will see that the oxygen starts to leak, and the alarm will activate as well. Now, your crew member has only thirty seconds to deactivate oxygen leakage, and when the member comes to do that, you can quickly kill him because he will be alone, as shown in the image below.
You can use the electrical button to cut off the electricity in every room. When you click on the button, you will see that there will be zero visibility. Your crew members have to correct the electrical fault, and there is no time limit for thighs, and you can quickly kill the members without being seen, as shown in the image below.
When you click on the communication button, you will see that CCTV communication has been disabled, and you can quickly kill the crew members without being spotted, as shown in the image below.
When you click on the reactor button, then the alarm in the reactor will be activated, and the time to deactivate the alarm will be thirty seconds. If your crew member cannot deactivate it, you can win the match after thirty seconds, as shown in the image below.