The 100 Doors Escape is a game that features over 100 different jails or cells. It is a magnificent fusion of mystery, quest, and hidden object game components that will ensure exhilarating gameplay. In each phase and cell, there are numerous hidden things and intrigues. Your ultimate goal is to escape prison while increasing your level through door-cracking and difficult puzzle-solving.
Walkthrough from levels 1 to 10
This guide helps to find hidden objects, mysteries and clues to escape the door of the cells from levels 1 to 10. You must follow each point mentioned in the guide to conveniently find the clues and keys to complete all the levels, which require no time.
Level 01: American Cell
- The level will begin as you click the Play Level 1 button in the middle of your screen.
- A girl in yellow appears and says, “Help me get out”!
- You will find an option “Tap to continue” under her words.
- Tapping it will take you to the prison where she has been ke
- Here, you will find a blue piece of cloth over the side of a bed.

- Move this piece of cloth a bit to find a key under it.

- You can use this key to unlock the door in front of you.
Level 02: Belgian Cell

- On this level, you will find a screwdriver on the bed.

- Now, look at the front wall to find a little bookshelf where some books can be seen.

- Tap in the centre of these books to part them from the middle.
- Now, you will find a niche covered with a metal plate.

- There is a screw in the middle of this metal plate.
- Open it up by unscrewing it with the help of the screwdriver you already have.
- You will find 4 red, yellow, blue, and green circles.

- Now, find another bookshelf right next to the previous one.
- And you will find a picture pasted on the wall under this bookshelf.

- Unpaste this picture from the wall to find 4 different patterns of lines made with red, yellow, blue, and green chalks.

- There are 4 digits hidden in these lines; keep them memorized.
- Find a digital locker on the floor.

- On its keypad, press 3514 according to the lines’ pattern.
- It will be unlocked, and you will find a key to unlock the prison door.

Level 03: Argentinian Cell
- First, move towards the table; you will find a blow stick.
- Right next to the blow stick is a glass box with a little hole above it.
- You can zoom the box by clicking over it. Zoom in for a closer look at it.

- Use your blow stick to throw all the ants in the glass box.

- When all the ants are gone, you will find a key over the glass box.

- Now, unlock the door using this key.
Level 04: New Zeland Cell
- First, you will find a golden statue and a plate on a desk in the right corner of the room; collect the statue.

- Now walk toward the shelf placed above in the left corner. There is an old TV on this shelf. Plug in the TV, and it will fuse with a broken screen.

- Find another golden statue within the broken screen of the TV.
- Now look for another shelf on the left wall; a book is over it.
- Open the book in which you will find a clue of the code.

- There is a box in which a digital lock beneath the bed is placed along the left wall.
- Press the digits according to the clue code.

- After pressing the digits, you find a third golden statue from the same box.
- Place all three golden statues on the statue plate in the right corner of the room.
- On the statue plate, you will find the key to unlock the door.

Level 05: Dutch Cell
- Pick up a cord reel from the bed on the left corner of the wall.

- On the top of the toilet on the right, you will find an empty tube of toothpaste.
- Right next to the jigsaw on the floor, you will find a pair of scissors.

- On the left side of the floor, you will find a dumbbell.
- Click the dumbbell to separate the bar and the weights, then pick up the bar.

- Now, take the toothpaste tube and scissors from the inventory and cut the toothpaste tube in half with the help of scissors.
- Attach the cord with half the toothpaste tube to make a little bucket.

- Take the bar from the inventory and attach it to this little bucket. Now a small fishing net is ready.

- View the toilet bowl by tapping it.
- Now, lower this small fishing net into the water by tapping it, and release it if you want to raise it.
- You need to catch the golden key from the toilet bowl.

- Unlock the door with the help of this golden key.
Level 06: Chilean Cell
- You will find a stick standing against a cupboard on the left side of the room; pick it up.

- Big tube light is in the room, and above it, you will find a fly swatter.

- Drag down the fly swatter with the stick and collect.
- Now find out all the bugs in the room and kill them with the fly swatter.
- The door will unlock automatically when you kill the last bug under the table.

Level 07: Moldovan Cell
- Initially, in the right corner of the room, there is a bed with some pieces of cloth over it. Find scissors under the bed.

- Collect a piece of cloth from the bed and cut it in half with the scissors.

- Now, find a sewing machine from a table in the left corner of the room, and put the piece of cloth on it.

- Pick up a metal hook from a bookshelf on the left side of the room’s front wall.

- There is a vent above the room’s left wall with another piece of cloth in it.

- Find a box of coloured threads from the upper part of the bed.

- Now break a piece of wood from the side of the bed.

- Fix the metal hook in the piece of wood.

- Take out the piece of cloth from the vent using the tool you made with a hook and a piece of wood.

- Now put this piece of cloth in the sewing machine with the previous one to make a beautiful dress.

- There is a dummy fixed on a stand in front of you, put this dress on that dummy, and you will automatically get the key to unlocking the prison door.

Level 08: Russian Cell
- First, find a chair in almost the right corner of the room near the table and a book on the floor, close to the door.

- Open the book and find a hammerhead in it.

- Collect a manual saw from under the bed in the left corner of the room.

- Take the chair, cut a piece of wood from one of its legs with the manual saw, and keep it in the inventory.

- Now fix the hammerhead and the piece of wood altogether to make a complete hammer.

- Pick up the tape roll from the table in the right corner and paste it on the hammer to fix it more strongly.

- Now on the right wall, above the commode, find a vodka poster.

- Tear the poster and hit the wall with the hammer, where it is already somewhat broken.

- Break it to find the key from the hole in the wall, now unlock the door.

Level 09: Croatian Cell
- Initially, pick up a cloth from the stool on the room’s right wall.

- Now, look at the fish bowl on the table and pick it up.

- Look for a digital keypad fixed on the left wall of the room.

- Clean the mirror with a cloth and place it next to the keypad.

- You will find a combination of three letters on the cleaned mirror.

- Now, write this clue code on the digital keypad.

- The keypad box will open, and you will find a magnet inside it.

- Now, use the magnet on the fish bowl to remove the key, unlock the door and escape.

Level 10: Luxembourg Cell
- First, collect a little red sculpture from a lower part of a rack, which is kept on the room’s left wall.

- There are two game controllers in this room. Find one of them in red colour on a floormate, slightly right on the floor.

- Find a little green sculpture under the table in the right corner of the room.

- Now, pick up a game console from the top of the rack on the left.

- In front of you, there is a wooden box with drawers in it. Find two boxes on it. One with white colour and a red line and the second with black colour and green line.

- Place the two little sculptures on these boxes according to the colours.

- A drawer below will open. Collect a screwdriver from it.

- Find the second game controller in green above the hanging blue towels on the left wall.

- Now, open up two pieces from the game console with the help of a screwdriver.

- Find a dislocated tile in the right wall above the bed.

- Take out the tile a bit, attach those 2 pieces taken from the game console on both sides, then attach both game controllers with green on the right and red on the left to pull it up and get a key from it to open the door.