In this guide, you will learn the method of making a Modern Kitchen in the Minecraft game.
The first thing you have to do is to 12*8 blocks of the ground and then fill it with light gray concrete blocks.
After this, make five blocks tall towers of stripped spruce wood on three corners as shown in the following image. Fill the middle gap by placing white concrete blocks.
Place two armor stands in a corner facing each other and then add a smooth quartz block at the top and quartz stairs at its top. Push them down by using a piston with a redstone block.
Add one more smooth quartz block at the top. Place an armor stand just next to it and add a leather cap at the top. Add smooth quartz blocks at the back and push them using pistons with redstone blocks.
Now you have to place a smooth quartz block at the top and add a stone button just under the leather helmet.
Add a dispenser at the back and fill it with pumpkin pies. And press the stone button to have some of it.
The next thing you have to make is kitchen cabinets. For this, place two smooth quartz blocks on the ground just next to the fridge and add item frames on them.
Add iron trap doors on the item frames and then bring you loom out. Add white banner in it with light gray dye and select the design to make a banner.
Take this banner into the loom again with light gray dye and select the design to make a final banner. Add this banner in your inventory.
Now you have to place these white banners on the item frames. Add a flower pot at the top of one cabinet and item frame on the other. Place trident on this item frame and then birch pressure plate.
After this, you have to make a simple sink. Place three quart stairs next to the cabinets in the same way as shown in the image below.
The next thing you have to do is to place a tripwire hook on the wall and add a bucket of water in the sink.
Place a smooth quartz block on the right side of the sink and add turtle eggs at the top of it to complete your modern sink.
Now you have to make an oven. Dig two blocks on the right side of the sink and add four campfires there. And then place a smooth quartz block in the corner.
After this, add splash water bottles at the top of campfires. Place two minecarts with a hopper at the top.
The next thing you have to do is to place iron trap doors at the top of the hoppers. Add birch trap doors on the front side of the oven.
The next thing you need to do is to add a stove hood and shelf.
Place three iron trap doors at the top of cabinets and sink. Add white carpet at the top of these iron trap doors.
Now you have to add two polished diorite slabs at the top of the oven and then diorite walls at the top of the slabs.
Now you have to make windows in the kitchen . For this, make a 3*4 blocks gap on the wall and place gray concrete blocks on the sides. Add white stained glass pane in the center.
The next thing you need to do is to bring the loom out of your inventory and add a white banner and light gray dye in it. Select the design to make a new one.
Take this banner into the loom again with a gray dye. Select the design to make a new banner. Bing this banner in your inventory.
Add these banners on the gray concrete blocks and they will look like curtains.
Now you have to make a table for the kitchen. Place four quartz stairs on the ground leaving a gap of three blocks as shown in the image below. Fill the gap in the middle by placing quartz slabs.
Make some chairs by placing scaffolding on the ground and then place white carpet at the top. Use birch trap doors for the back side of the chairs.
Replace 12 blocks in front of the oven with dead tube coral blocks and then add dead fire coral fans at the top.
Now it’s the time for final touches. Remove two blocks under the quartz stairs of the table and add sea lanterns there.
Place an item frame on the table and add a teak on it and then add birch pressure plate from the top. Also place sea pickles on the table as they will look like cups.
After this, place a cake on the quartz block right side block to the oven and a flower pot at the top of the fridge. Add lily of the valley flower in it. You have successfully designed a Modern Kitchen.